Nastya and kind stories about Halloween and Thanksgiving ▶18:46
Nastya and Daddy got into the unusual Adventure Park ▶1:00:48
Nastya and dad - Compilation of new adventure episodes ▶25:24
Nastya and the best episodes about friends and girlfriends ▶14:37
Nastya Plays with Friends Compilation ▶40:58
Nastya and dad pack a suitcase and are going on a trip ▶23:48
Nastya and her travels all over the world | Compilation video ▶30:26
Nastya and the Phone challenge for kids ▶7:01
Nastya plays Pink vs. Black Challenge with Wednesday ▶11:55
Nastya and Baby doll vs Pesky Flies! Аnd other Funny Stories by Like Nastya ▶10:31
Nastya shows how to be polite and kind ▶11:46
Nastya and episodes with best friends Evelyn and Adrian ▶17:50
Nastya and useful summer Stories for kids ▶20:12
Like Nastya compilation of the best videos of 2022 ▶1:01:10
Nastya and her friends decorate playhouses and other adventures of friends. ▶19:59
Nastya and funny Collection of New Stories for Kids ▶15:43
Nastya and useful examples of behavior for kids | Compilation video ▶28:04
Nastya and the most interesting moments from the summer vacation ▶20:17
A collection of videos for children about the adventures of Nastya and friends ▶1:01:43
Nastya shows how she shoots her videos, and a tour of the Hollywood studio ▶27:29
Nastya and her funny fictional stories for kids ▶12:24
Nastya turned into a little mermaid ▶36:14
Nastya and Dad best stories for kids! Video collection for the whole family ▶1:00:02
NASTIA sunset set in The Lab IBZ ▶1:25:36
Nastya and friends The best stories for kids | 1 Hour Video ▶1:00:20
Nastya and an example of behavior at school and with friends ▶18:31
Nastya plays games for children with friends. Big collection of videos for kids ▶1:04:01
Nastya and papa in a mysterious maze with surprises ▶34:12
Nastya and her DIY room for kids decor ideas. Room In Style Like Nastya ▶15:48
Nastya learns to use children's cosmetics ▶22:43
Nastya sings her favorite kid's songs ▶13:05
Nastya and the school Easter party with Wednesday ▶7:20
A new episode of a children's entertainment show from Nastya and dad, and their friends ▶1:02:28
Nastya turns into princesses while playing magic candy shop ▶30:52
Nastya playing with cool toys Funny videos for children Compilation ▶11:34
Nastya and Dad Family trip to African kids and wild animals ▶6:32
Candy Doll ▶4:50
Nastya and Evelyn are trying to overcome their fears ▶25:57
Showing my dad my crash *nastya *runingthroughmyhead *dad *likenastya *blogger ▶0:13
Nastya shows how to entertain each other with her dad ▶5:23
Nastya takes care of new pets Bitzee ▶4:36
Nastia's introduction ▶1:42
Nastia Mouse (@nastiamouse)’s videos with Can We Kiss Forever? - Kina ▶0:19
Настя и её друзья Микки и Минни маус с подарками ▶10:01
Nastia / September 28 / 4pm-5pm ▶53:55
Nastya explains to her little friends how to behave in public places ▶10:09
Настя и новые игрушки от Микки и Минни маус Видео для детей про игрушки ▶6:35
Catching up with Nastia Liukin ▶4:01
Влог: Настя в парке развлечений Маши и Медведя в Италии ▶3:08
Nastya and Dad best stories for kids! Video collection for the whole family ▶1:00:03
Nastya e pai se transformaram em princesas ▶17:42
A large collection for children about the adventures of Nastya and dad ▶1:03:51
Nastia Liukin (USA) : 2008 Beijing Olympics : EF BB ▶2:21
Nastya became a flight attendant for dad on the plane ▶23:25
Nastya and Mia and new useful stories for kids about behavior and friendship ▶55:27
Nastya plays Hotel and other new videos ▶23:00
Nastia Liukin - Uneven Bars - 2008 Visa Championships - Day 1 ▶1:06
Настя наводит красоту, делает макияж и наряжается в платья ▶10:48
nastia liukin ▶0:37
Nastya tells how she shoots her videos and excursion to the Hollywood studio ▶5:40
Nastya and her stories about studies and friends ▶22:42
Siberian Mouse (Masha Babko) 2016 Photos.mp4 ▶1:20
A large collection for children about the adventures of Nastya and dad ▶1:00:53
Nastia on Beam at figure skating and gymnastics spectacular ▶2:47
Nastia Liukin - Vault - 2008 Olympic Trials - Day 1 ▶0:11
Nastya and Evelyn in wonderland ▶14:03
Nastia Liukin - Floor Exercise - 2008 Olympic Trials - Day 2 ▶1:51
Nastya and dad have fun in the playgrounds and the amusement park for kids ▶22:39
Nastya had a very unusual dream ▶24:50
Nastya and colored paints draw a magic toys ▶2:57
Nastia | Kazantip | Ukraine ▶38:28
Nastya and Dad and more entertaining episodes - 1 hour compilation ▶1:00:04
Nastya and her Birthday Party for 9 years ▶8:04
Моё утро часть1 ▶6:14
Laneya Grace - Wildest dreams ▶2:54
Nastia Liukin regains the world title on balance beam ▶2:11
Nastya shows 5 sights worth visiting during a family trip to Switzerland ▶5:21
Nastia Liukin - Bars - 2012 Olympic Trials ▶1:34
Nastia ▶0:28
Nastya and kind bedtime Christmas stories ▶29:05
Nastya and a new Christmas Red VS Gold Challenge ▶35:38
Nastya learns from Mega why reading is so important ▶26:59
❤ Nastya and your ▶0:10
Nastya is preparing an outfit for school *blind challenge ▶0:29
Nastya and Evelyne play hide and seek ▶22:11
Nastya and funny *short video for kids ▶0:17
Настя и истории про красоту ▶11:22
Nastya and dad VS garbage ▶8:54
Nastya becomes a Barbie in Real life ▶14:29
Nastya and dad best 1 hour video compilation of 2023 ▶1:02:19
Como Nastya se convierte en princesa y otros cuentos divertidos para niños en español ▶1:03:05
Nastya and her hobby ▶0:49
Nastya and Dad - Colored Challenge boxes and other Stories ▶21:16
NASTIA ▶3:52
Mermaid_nastia (@mermaid_nastia)’s videos with оригинальный звук - Mermaid_nastia ▶0:51
Nastya and a newest collection of fictional stories for children and their parents ▶1:03:20
Влог: Настя едет в детский музей с горками и мишками тедди ▶11:11
Nastya and Collection of funny challenges for kids ▶20:45
Nastia Liukin Cup - Broadcast ▶2:34:47
Mermaid_nastia (@mermaid_nastia)’s videos with оригинальный звук - Mermaid_nastia ▶0:15
Настя и новые серии с любимыми подружками ▶10:12
Nastya is going to a party for girls and princesses ▶26:27
Nastya and her stories about cats and kittens ▶19:34
Настя и папа строят домики для собак / Nastya and papa makes playhouses for toys ▶6:04
Showing my dad my crash *nastya *runingthroughmyhead *dad *likenastya *blogger ▶0:13
Nastya and her hobby ▶0:49
Nastya and funny *short video for kids ▶0:17
Nastya is preparing an outfit for school *blind challenge ▶0:29
Nastya helps Dad around the house *lol ▶0:11
Nastya and her back to school funny story ▶0:33
Nastya in the world of Barbie ▶0:20
Nastya and sleepover dance with Maggie ▶0:10
Nastya and her singing ▶0:23
Nastia Mouse (@nastiamouse)’s videos with Can We Kiss Forever? - Kina ▶0:19
Nastya calls Dad ▶0:15
❤ Nastya and your ▶0:10
With my lovely frind Evelyn *bubble *bubbleshow *kids *blogger *nastya *likenastya ▶0:07
Nastya dance 💃 ♥ 😍 💕 🎶 ▶0:11
Nastya 😇 and 31st is ▶0:15
*собакен *счастье *собачки *друг *снег ▶0:36
Mermaid_nastia (@mermaid_nastia)’s videos with оригинальный звук - Mermaid_nastia ▶0:51
Mermaid_nastia (@mermaid_nastia)’s videos with оригинальный звук - Mermaid_nastia ▶0:15
Nastia_vibe13 TikTok Video Recommendations ▶0:10
nastia (@nastia14vet)’s videos with оригинальный звук - nastia ▶3:26


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